Lentigo simplex

Lentigo simplex is a spot which can appear throughout the oral mucosa, at any age in genetically-disposed patients. It is not a pathological lesion but an excessive production of melanin by melanocytes. The spots are rounded, varying in colour from a hazelnut brown to dark brown, not exceeding 0.5cm in diameter. Their removal...


Leokoedema is a white lesion (plaque) with a bilateral, symmetrical and crinkled appearance which cannot be removed; it is a congenital developmental defect and completely asymptomatic. If the mucosa is stretched, wrinkles will appear and the white colouration will disappear. The appearance of the lesion is determined by the intense oedema of the cells...


Varices are a para-physiological alteration of the veins, due to a loss in elasticity (especially in older patients) which present as a deterioration of one or more blood vessels, assuming a contorted form and typical bluish or violet colouration. Intraorally, varices are very common under the tongue (sublingual varices), asymptomatic and require no treatment...


A melanocytic nevus is a benign neoformation of the mucosa which presents as a patch, varying in colour from hazelnut brown to dark brown. It is secondary to the hyper-proliferation of melanocytes. Melanocytic nevus can be congenital or acquired and distinguished on a morpho-genetic basis as: junctional nevus (the proliferation of neoplastic melanocytes...