
A mucocele is a submucosal swelling with a hard-elastic texture, translucent in appearance, often the result of a traumatic event (e.g. biting or other related habit). It is caused by the rupturing of the duct of a minor salivary gland and its secretion into the submucosa. It is generally asymptomatic but does not...


Leprosy is an infectious pathology, also known as Hansen’s Disease. It is caused by Mycobacterium leprae and affects the epidermis, mucosa (oral and respiratory) and the nervous system. The most common method of transmission is by direct contagion from person to person. Notwithstanding that its incidence has markedly decreased in recent decades, it...


Adenocarcinoma is a malignant tumour of the epithelial tissue, originating from glandular epithelium. Normally, it presents with a slowly growing swelling which may be associated with pain and paralysis of the facial nerve. The tumour can be bilateral or multi-centred. A histo-pathological examination can reveal a micro-cystic appearance, which is solid or papillary. The...

Hairy leukoplakia

Oral hairy leukoplakia are hairy, plaque-type, white-coloured lesions, presenting symmetrically on the sides of the tongue. Their presence can be the first oral manifestation of an HIV infection, with which they are markedly associated. A diagnosis of oral hairy leukoplakia must be distinguished from idiopathic leukoplakia or hyperkeratosis related to chronic trauma (e.g....


Exophytic, benign, vascular lesion (neoformation), resulting from the proliferation of the vascular endothelium (haemangioma) or the epithelium of lymphatic vessels (lymphangioma). It can present at birth or during the first months of life as a congenital variant and/or oral manifestation of systemic disease (e.g. Sturge-Weber syndrome, Maffucci’s syndrome and Dandy-Walker syndrome); it spontaneously...


A neurofibroma is a benign tumour which originates in perineural fibroblasts. It is generally a neoformation and in rarer cases, lesions can be multiple when they form a part of the clinical picture of Von Recklinghausen's disease or neurofibromatosis. The latter is a hereditary pathology, which is characterised by the formation of mucosal...


Actinomycosis is a swelling or ulceration of the soft tissue or osteomyelitis of the oral cavity with swelling of the bone and periosteum and suppurative secretions. It is a chronic infection which is granulomatous and abscess-forming. Actinomycosis concerns mainly elderly, diabetic, immunosuppressed and dialysis patients. Diagnosis is by referring to the clinical picture, a...