Frictional keratosis

Frictional keratosis presents as a white lesion (macule or plaque) determined by repeatedly trauma, in turn caused by particularly sharp dentures, ill-fitting dentures or poor oral habits (e.g. biting the cheek), leading to a reaction of the mucosa in the oral cavity. The production of keratin is increased in areas which are not generally keratinised (e.g. buccal mucosa) and in those keratinised (e.g. hard palate); in the latter the lesion is called frictional hyperkeratosis. The lesions more or less extend in proportion to the traumatised area, with a translucent, white appearance to which erythematous areas can also be associated. The lesion are smooth or wrinkled, totally asymptomatic and surrounded by healthy and pink-coloured mucosa. The aim of treatment is to remove the source of trauma. If the lesion does not disappear, a biopsy and histo-pathological examination is required.

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