A lymphangioma is a proliferative, benign neoformation of a network of vessels, originating in a proliferation of the epithelium of the lymphatic system (lymphangioma). It can present at birth or during the first months of life (as a congenital variant and/or manifestation of an oral, systemic pathology, eg. Sturge–Weber syndrome, Maffucci syndrome, Dandy-Walker syndrome). In the majority of cases, the lymphangioma spontaneously recedes with age. If the lesion is not congenital, it can present after a traumatic event or unknown cause. Lymphangiomas are very rare in the oral cavity, being localised more often than not on the underside of the tongue. Benign by nature, they do not generally require treatment if small in size. However, their removal may be requested by the patient for aesthetic reasons or medically where chronic trauma is involved.